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Help for barristers

Barristers inherently face very specific challenges on a daily basis. If you need some help click on support to find contact details and advice on seeking support.

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Help for clerks and staff

The professional lives of clerks and chambers’ staff include many potential stressors. If you don’t know how to broach an issue, want advice on your options.

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Help for students and pupils

These resources have been designed specifically for those who have completed their BPTC and for pupils up to tenancy.

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Our vision

Find out what Wellbeing at the Bar aims to achieve.

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Policy & practice

Guidance on how to introduce wellbeing policies and initiatives and on tackling a wellbeing issue in chambers.

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Media pack

Logos and banners to help you to promote wellbeing.

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Case studies

Examples of successful wellbeing initiatives adopted by chambers, Specialist Bar Associations and the Inns of Court.

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Support for barristers

Who to talk to, how to get help in coping with the pressures and demands of life at the Bar.

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Support for clerks and staff

Who to talk to and how to get help, resources are for clerks and staff themselves.

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Support for students and pupils

Who to talk to and how to get help for those who have completed their BPTC and for pupils up to tenancy.

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Assistance programme

The confidential 24/7 helpline with access to counselling for barristers, pupils, clerks and chambers’ staff.

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Wellbeing at the Bar: A clerk’s perspective (Arron Snipe)

Wellbeing at the Bar: A clerk’s perspective (Arron Snipe) When I was asked to write a blog on wellbeing from a clerking perspective for Wellbeing at the Bar (‘WATB’), my first thought was what on earth would I write about? With this being my first ever blog, I questioned whether I could share my personal […]

Learning to support yourself and others (Nina Caplin)

Learning to support yourself and others Since the inception of the Wellbeing at the Bar initiative in 2015, I have been greatly impressed at how quickly the issue of wellbeing has been embraced by the profession and those who work with barristers. In 2015 the Bar Council’s wellbeing survey indicated that 2 out of 3 […]

Giraffes and hyenas… A personal perspective (Theo Huckle KC)

Giraffes and hyenas… A personal perspective Don’t get me wrong. I am no David Attenborough. But when you’re invited to the Kruger Park in South Africa, it’s a bit hard to turn down. So, there I was a couple of weeks ago, driving from Johannesburg for 6 hours to get to the Phalaborwa Gate and […]

SRA v Sovani James: some reasons for optimism (Stephen Innes)

What the Divisional Court’s decision in SRA v Sovani James tells us about wellbeing for lawyers: some reasons for optimism This week the Administrative Court handed down judgment in three appeals by the Solicitors Regulation Authority:  SRA v Sovani James, SRA v Esteddar MacGregor, SRA v Peter Naylor [2018] EWHC 3058 (Admin). Reactions to the […]

Wellbeing at Middle Temple

Middle Temple is fully committed to the “Wellbeing at the Bar” programme and following on from our successful Wellbeing Event in partnership with the South Eastern Circuit in July, as mentioned by Valerie Charbit in the August blog,  the Inn continues  to develop its Wellbeing programme with a number of new initiatives for the Michaelmas […]

Wellbeing at the Bar Blog: Kathy Wong

Bar Council: World Mental Health Day 2018 2018 was going to be an exciting year for me. I resolved to start the new year, a new me. Along with the new me, I started my new job at the Bar Council with a spiffing new project, Wellbeing at the Bar.  I felt like the luckiest […]

Wellbeing at the Bar Blog: Nicholas Hill

Learning to be your best self at work and at home When considering what to cover in this blog I cast my mind back to my previous piece, published in June last year. In some ways, not so long ago. In others, however, that seems quite some time past, particularly when considering what has been […]

Wellbeing at the Bar Blog: Valerie Charbit

The Bar and the Bench: Supporting One Another Wellbeing is a work in progress for all of us, one which we should be required to consider daily, like a mantra in order to achieve regular improvements. Another way we can seek to change or improve our wellbeing is by attending events which provide us with […]

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